New Patient Appointments
Candice is accepting new patients. Rob and Christina have a wait list for new patient appointments. We appreciate your support and referrals!
See Providers
We are a COVID safe clinic!
Our staff will be masked up during flu and cold season, as well as spikes in COVID cases. All patients with any symptoms are requested to wear a mask while in clinic as well to protect the vulnerable among us.

Cross-disciplinary Care

Mental and physical health are deeply connected and are most successfully addressed in tandem. We are fortunate to have Best Practice counseling colocated with us, and also provide referrals to other therapists in the community. Our primary care philosophy is prevention oriented, addressing the root causes of illness, incorporating trauma resolution, nutrition, and lifestyle changes, with appropriate prescriptions. We are particularly pleased to be among the select group of providers successfully treating Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder After Streptococcal infections, but are caring for established PANDAS/PANS patients only as we are at capacity for this patient population. If you would like resources to share with your current provider on management of PANDAS/PANS, please contact the clinic.
Contact Us

Community Focused

In the past few years our corner of the valley has been troubled by a high rate of teen suicides. We have dedicated hundreds of hours to local community service, leading group presentations on mental health, suicide prevention, and other safety issues, logging over 50 presentations since 2016. Our providers and staff have volunteered extensively with other community organizations, including Healthy Riverton, the Jordan Education Foundation, and the Timpanogos Emergency Response Team, addressing multiple aspects of community health. We have chosen the location of our clinic to address the specific needs of the local residents we care about.
About Us

Education Oriented

Rachel was previously a clinical professor at Ameritech College of Nursing working with undergraduate students. Heidi is an adjunct professor at the University of Utah College of Nursing, working specifically with students in the Doctorate of Nursing Practice program. Nurse practitioner students are regularly included in clinic visits as it is important for us to contribute to the learning of the next generation of providers, to model holistic, comprehensive care, and evidence based practice. Beehive Clinic is a haven for learning and growth, not only for providers, but also for our patients.
See Resources

Accuracy and Timeliness

Patients can expect excellent communication with our providers and staff through our patient portal, including easy access for scheduling, requesting prescription refills, and receiving lab results. We offer telehealth appointments for your convenience and safety. We have carefully selected a charting platform and billing partner to facilitate timely submission of accurate claims.
Patient Portal